NOBO create Norwegian-made electric panel heaters which utilise Scandinavian styling, manufacturing and quality. The clever discreet design means they can be placed anywhere in your home to maximise efficiency and control of your heating.
Our range
750W Nobo Panel Heater with Timer, Thermostat & Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
1.2kW Nobo Panel Heater with Timer, Thermostat & Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
2.4kW Nobo Panel Heater with Timer, Thermostat & Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
1.5kW Nobo Panel Heater with Thermostat and Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
2kW Nobo Panel Heater with Thermostat & Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
2.4kW Nobo Panel Heater with Thermostat & Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
1kW Nobo Panel Heater with Timer, Thermostat & Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
1.5kW Nobo Panel Heater with Timer, Thermostat & Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
2kW Nobo Panel Heater with Timer, Thermostat & Castors
NOBO - Panel heaters
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Our friendly team are here to help and answer all your questions.